Welcome to Half of Carla

Welcome to Half of Carla


Hi Everyone and Welcome to Half of Carla, the website!


I’ve been sharing my journey on social media now for over 3 years. While each channel has a format that works for it, Instagram with their reels/posts, YouTube with both video formats, I didn’t have a space which was truly mine. A space that I could connect with you guys and not be confined by the parameters set out by someone else.


And so, I decided to create this website to collect the content I produce into one area which makes it easier for you guys to find what you’re looking for. Between the different pages, you’ll find YouTube videos, Instagram posts, links to bits I’ve been liking and most excitingly a new blog! While I micro blog on Instagram, having a bit more space to write will hopefully give you guys more value.


I've also got some big plans brewing in the background, so make sure you're subscribed to the newsletter to be the first to know!


On the blog I’ll be sharing musings, lessons I’ve learned from weight loss/maintenance/therapy,  a recipe or two and some of the fashion and beauty bits I’ve been enjoying.


I hope you enjoy it and please let me know anything you’d like me to include.

Don’t forget to show up for yourself



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1 comment

Sounds great, Carla! Bravo on your new website. xo

Sandra Edwards

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