Half of Carla

there, I'm Carla Piera FitzGerald, but you might know me as "Half of
Carla" because I've shed over half my body weight (183 lbs). My journey
has been one filled with immense challenges, self-discovery, and
ultimately, a transformation that I am proud to share with you.

The full story

From as early as I can remember, I battled with my weight. I lived with disordered eating habits from the tender age of 5, wrestling with issues like bulimia, binge eating disorder, food addiction, depression, and anxiety. I was on a perpetual quest to lose weight, constantly trying out every diet that promised miracles, but nothing seemed to stick.

My journey was characterised by the relentless cycle of starting a new diet every Monday and inevitably failing by the weekend. I spent a small fortune on coaches, gyms, diet clubs, books, teas, and everything in between. However, I eventually realised that my approach was all wrong. I was coming from a place of punishing my body, driven by hate and resentment.

I had an inner voice, a negative narrator that lived rent-free in my mind, constantly telling me how worthless and useless I was. It wasn't until July 2019 that I had a revelation: this negative narrator didn't actually belong to me. It was a compilation of cues I had picked up as a child from the people around me and from society. I didn't even know who I was or what my true thoughts were anymore.

I had been using food as a readily available drug to numb that voice, which resulted in me building a 23-stone (323 lbs) body around me. That October, I embarked on a second therapeutic journey to heal my traumatised inner child and learn how to feel and process my emotions instead of drowning them in food.

When I felt ready, in January 2020, at a weight of 323.8 lbs, I decided to lose weight for the last time. This time, it was different. I was doing it for me, from a place of self-love, respect, and care. I continued with therapy, journaling, and integrated the BodySlims program, intermittent fasting, one hour of daily walking, and a plant-based diet into my routine.

Fast forward 14 months later, and I had lost 183 lbs naturally. I've never looked back since. The creation of "Half of Carla" is my way of telling the world that this transformation is possible. If I can do it, so can you!

Through my various platforms, I share my journey of self-care, self-love, and personal growth in the hopes of inspiring you to embark on your own self-care journey. My mission is to break down the stigmas surrounding mental health, showcase life beyond weight loss, and empower others to prioritise their well-being by showing up for themselves.

With a strong focus on self-care, fashion, beauty, and living a liberated life, I'm here to reshape the narrative around health and inspire countless individuals to put their well-being first. Join me on this incredible journey of transformation, self-discovery, and empowerment. Together, we can redefine what it means to prioritise self-care and live a life that truly liberates us.

Before & After